Yé on aura des nouvelles fraîches souvent grâce aux nouvelles technologies!!! Je suis super contente pour vous deux! Amusez-vous et je vais m'ennuyer! L'unique Virginie!
Hello Julie & partner, Congrats! you guys will have a great time. Can't wait to see in Vancouver in November and meet your travelling companion. Bonne aventure!
It is all very exciting and I wish that I could fit in your backpack!
I am probably going to mention a couple of things that you already know and I hope that you don't mind.
I see on your list a couple of things that I would definitely add if you haven't already. My husband and I have backpacked around the world and we could never go with out a medical kit. If you want an idea of what we include in it, you could just send me an email.
Very important as well are at least two photocopies of your passport. Many hotels and hostels will try to hold your passport (never leave it there). You could just give them a photocopy. When anyone other than a border guard asks for your passport, just give the photocopy. Some will also need your medical booklet so I also photocopy that.
The other thing that will save you a lot of trouble is a multicountry plug adapter so that you can charge your camera. (and don't forget your charger!). A spare camera battery will go a long way if you can't charge for a couple of days!
You are going to have soooooo much fun! If there is any way that I can help, just let me know!
Patti Holter It's the journey, not the destination!
Pendant neuf mois, nous devrons apprendre à ne pas manquer l'avion, à rester en équilibre sur le dos des lamas, à accepter de voyager avec des poules dans les colectivos, à attendre le passage des vaches avant que le train ne puisse reprendre sa route, à éviter les maux de cœur dans les poches des kangourous, à nager plus vite que les requins, à ne pas courir vers les mirages d'oasis dans le désert, à ne pas chavirer dans les pirogues, à ne pas mouiller nos souliers dans les rizières, à sécher nos vêtements en motorbike, à comprendre les indications dans le métro de Tokyo, à ne pas perdre une roue en cyclo-pousse.
Neuf mois de découverte, un an pour faire le détour du monde.
Pour nous contacter
Vous pouvez nous contacter à n'importe quel moment. Voici notre courriel : yomgui13@yahoo.fr.
Amérique du Sud Pérou : 1/07/2010 Bolivie : 27/07/2010 Brésil : 25/08/2010 Argentine : 22/09/2010 Chili : 23/10/2010
7 commentaires:
Bravo la carte, bravo le blogue, et bravo pour la belle aventure !
excellent !!
j'ai hate de suivre ça...
bonne route les aventuriers !!
Yé on aura des nouvelles fraîches souvent grâce aux nouvelles technologies!!! Je suis super contente pour vous deux! Amusez-vous et je vais m'ennuyer!
L'unique Virginie!
Hello Julie & partner,
Congrats! you guys will have a great time.
Can't wait to see in Vancouver in November and meet your travelling companion.
Bonne aventure!
Hi Julie,
It is all very exciting and I wish that I could fit in your backpack!
I am probably going to mention a couple of things that you already know and I hope that you don't mind.
I see on your list a couple of things that I would definitely add if you haven't already. My husband and I have backpacked around the world and we could never go with out a medical kit. If you want an idea of what we include in it, you could just send me an email.
Very important as well are at least two photocopies of your passport. Many hotels and hostels will try to hold your passport (never leave it there). You could just give them a photocopy. When anyone other than a border guard asks for your passport, just give the photocopy. Some will also need your medical booklet so I also photocopy that.
The other thing that will save you a lot of trouble is a multicountry plug adapter so that you can charge your camera. (and don't forget your charger!). A spare camera battery will go a long way if you can't charge for a couple of days!
You are going to have soooooo much fun! If there is any way that I can help, just let me know!
Patti Holter
It's the journey, not the destination!
Bonne chance et d'heureuses rencontres aux quatre coins du monde! Dommage que l'Europe ne soit pas au programme, je vous aurais reçus.
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